Sue Ledford


Sue's Bio

If Sue Ledford had a mission statement, it would be to inspire others.

And she’s done exactly that, in pretty much every stage of her career.

We mean every stage – even when she worked at the Village Fair Ice Cream Factory, which is pretty much the most inspiring job on the planet.

Fortunately for all of us at Technology Plus, Sue’s inspirational ambitions had different plans. And after stints working in customer service and bookkeeping, she helped create our home here.

When Sue isn’t busy leading the way and inspiring everyone she comes into contact with, you can find her spending time with her best friend, Carson. Fun fact: Carson also happens to be her husband, Vice President of Technology Plus and Sue’s biggest fan. As a team they’ve not only lead Technology Plus, but raised two daughter’s and a son that they are very proud of… Oh and let’s not forget to mention their grandson Carter, who seems to have them both enjoying achieving Grandma and Grandpa status!

Thank you, Sue.